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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 33847
Short Caption:IN RE: PARENTAL RIGHTS AS TO TRIMBLECourt:Supreme Court
Lower Court Case(s):Clark Co. - Eighth Judicial District - D226176Classification:Civil Appeal - Family Law - Parental Termination
Disqualifications:LeavittCase Status:Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: Panel
To SP/Judge:SP Status:
Oral Argument:Oral Argument Location:
Submission Date:01/25/2000How Submitted:On Briefs

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
03/04/1999Filing FeeReceived Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $200.00 from Glenn C. Schepps-check no. 2221.
03/04/1999Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) 99-01544
03/08/1999MotionFiled Motion. Appellant's Motion to Stay Enforcement of Order Pending Appeal. 99-01611
03/15/1999MotionFiled Response to Motion. Respondents' Opposition to Motion to Stay Enforcement of Order Pending Appeal. 99-01819
03/15/1999Docketing StatementFiled Docketing Statement. (Mailed on: 3/10/99). 99-01847
03/15/1999Transcript RequestFiled Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Proceedings: July 13, 1998, August 25, 1998 and September 22, 1998. To Court Reporter: Deborah S. Casper. (Mailed on: 3/10/99). 99-01848
04/14/1999Order/ProceduralFiled Order. We have considered the motion, and we are not persuaded that a stay is warranted at this time. fn1 [We grant respondents request for attorney fees for having to respond to appellant's motion. We direct the district court to determine the amount of attorney fees to be granted and to enter an award accordingly]. We deny appellant's motion. 99-02873
04/19/1999TranscriptFiled Transcript. 07/13/98; 08/25/98; and 09/22/98 Proceedings: Court Reporter: Deborah Casper. 99-03051
05/04/1999OtherDisqualification of Justice Leavitt. Leavitt Law Firm.
05/24/1999BriefFiled Opening Brief. Mailed on: Fed-Ex 5/21/99. 99-04275
05/24/1999AppendixFiled Appendix to Opening Brief. 99-04276
06/18/1999BriefFiled Answering Brief. Mailed on: 6/16/99. 99-05284
06/18/1999AppendixFiled Appendix to Answering Brief. 99-05285
06/28/1999BriefFiled Reply Brief. Mailed on: Fed-Ex 6/25/99. 99-05647
06/28/1999AppendixFiled Appendix to Reply Brief. 99-05648
01/25/2000Order/ProceduralFiled Order. Oral argument will not be scheduled and this appeal shall stand submitted for decision to the Northern nevada panel as of the date of this order on the briefs filed herein. 00-01240
01/25/2000Case Status Update Submitted for Decision. Submitted to the Northern Nevada Panel on the briefs this day. NNP99B-RR/CY/DA
02/07/2000Letter/IncomingFiled Letter. Change of Address for Joseph Houston. 00-01941
03/28/2000Order/DispositionalFiled Order Dismissing Appeal. "ORDER this appeal dismissed." NNP99B-RR/CY/DA 00-04966
04/25/2000RemittiturIssued Remittitur. 00-06688
04/25/2000Case Status Update Remittitur Issued/Case Closed.
06/26/2000RemittiturFiled Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on May 11, 2000. 00-06688