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United States Court Cases

Wyoming Supreme/Appellate Court Record

CLINT RAYMOND WEBB v. THE STATE OF WYOMING; EDDIE WILSON, Wyoming Medium Correctional Institution Warden, and PETER K. MICHAEL, Wyoming Attorney General

Case Heading (S-18-0291)
Case Number:S-18-0291Case Docketed On:12/14/2018
Original Court:Seventh Judicial District Natrona CountyCase Type:Original Proceeding - Petition for writ of review - Certiorari
Short Title:CLINT RAYMOND WEBB v. THE STATE OF WYOMING; EDDIE WILSON, Wyoming Medium Correctional Institution Warden, and PETER K. MICHAEL, Wyoming Attorney General
Full Title:CLINT RAYMOND WEBB, Petitioner, v. THE STATE OF WYOMING; EDDIE WILSON, Wyoming Medium Correctional Institution Warden, and PETER K. MICHAEL, Wyoming Attorney General Respondents.

- Party Information
RoleParty NameAttorney(s)
PetitionerClint Raymond Webb Pro Se
RespondentThe State of WyomingPeter K. Michael
Christyne Marie Martens
Caitlin Frances Harper
RespondentEddie WilsonPeter K. Michael
Christyne Marie Martens
Caitlin Frances Harper
RespondentPeter K. MichaelChristyne Marie Martens
Caitlin Frances Harper

- Case Decision Information
Opinion Number:

Docketing Filter View

Docket Information
Filing DateDocument DescriptionDocket Entry TypeDocket Entry SubtypeStatus
12/14/2018Event - Docketed and indexedEventDocketed and indexedFinal
12/14/2018Petition - Writ - certiorari (One confidential document from attachment not uploaded)PetitionWrit - certiorariFinal
12/14/2018Motion - In forma pauperisMotionIn forma pauperisFinal
12/14/2018Event - Phone Call to AG's office advising them the petition has been filedEventPhone CallFinal
12/18/2018Correspondence - Incoming from Petitioner notifying us that he has been transferred to the Lincoln County Jail and providing new address.CorrespondenceIncomingFinal
12/18/2018Correspondence - Outgoing to Mr. Webb confirming receipt of new address and the filing of his petitionCorrespondenceOutgoingFinal
12/20/2018Event - Phone Call from AG's office, they are not responding to petition.EventPhone CallFinal
12/26/2018Notice-Incoming - District Court Pleading - In Forma Pauperis OrderNotice-IncomingDistrict Court PleadingFinal
01/07/2019Notice-Incoming - Certificate of service from Petitioner to Wyoming Supreme CourtNotice-IncomingOtherFinal
01/17/2019Order - Denying Petition for Writ of Certiorari/ReviewOrderDenyFinal
01/17/2019Event - Case closedEventCase closedFinal