Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
09/25/2007 | Filing Fee | Received Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $250.00 from McDonald Carano Wilson LLP/Las Vegas--Check No. 15259. | | |
09/25/2007 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal/Settlement. Notice Re Settlement Conference Program and Suspension of Rules mailed to all counsel. (The requesting of transcripts and briefing are stayed pursuant to NRAP 16(a)(1). Docketing Statement Form mailed to counsel for appellant(s).) | | 07-21122 |
09/28/2007 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: Carolyn Worrell. | | 07-21444 |
10/11/2007 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement. | | 07-22447 |
11/02/2007 | Settlement Program Report | Filed ECAR/Appropriate for Settlement Program. This case is appropriate for mediation and a settlement conference will be scheduled. | | 07-24100 |
11/14/2007 | Settlement Program Report | Filed Interim Settlement Program Report. The settlement conference is continued to the following date: November 29, 2007. | | 07-24837 |
11/28/2007 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Substitution of Attorneys. Michael Pontoni in place and stead of Jeffrey A. Silvestri as counsel for appellant. | | 07-25629 |
11/28/2007 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to Provide Proof of Service. for Substitution of Attorneys. Due date: 10 days. | | 07-25631 |
12/14/2007 | Settlement Program Report | Filed Final Report/No Settlement. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. | | 07-27193 |
03/04/2008 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order/Briefing Reinstated. Appellant: 15 days to file transcript request form. 90 days from the date of this order to file the opening brief. We waive the requirement for Mr. Pontoni to file a certificate of service for the substitution of attorneys. | | 08-05418 |
03/21/2008 | Transcript Request | Filed Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 7/30/07, 7/31/07, 8/1/07. To Court Reporter: Peggy Isom. | | 08-07030 |
05/15/2008 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice. Peggy Isom to file certificate of delivery of transcripts. Due date: 10 days. | | 08-12205 |
06/04/2008 | Motion | Filed Motion and Order Extending Time. Brief due: June 4, 2008. | | 08-14113 |
06/04/2008 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to Provide Proof of Service. Motion to Extend Time for Opening Brief. Due date: 10 days. | | 08-14114 |
06/06/2008 | Brief | Filed Opening Brief. | | 08-14354 |
06/06/2008 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief. Vols. 1 through 6. | | |
06/11/2008 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Proof of Service. Motion to Extend Time for Filing Opening Brief. | | 08-14766 |
06/11/2008 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice. Respondent's Receipt of Copy of Opening Brief and Vols 1-6 Appendix. | | 08-14863 |
07/03/2008 | Motion | Filed Stipulation and Order. Brief due: August 6, 2008. | | 08-16940 |
07/11/2008 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. Ms. Isom shall, within 15 days from the date of order, pay the sum of $250.00 to the Supreme Court Law Library and provide this court with proof of such payment. However, this sanction shall be automatically vacated if Ms. Isom files and serves the certificate of delivery or, alternatively, a motion to extend time, within 10 days from the date of this order. If appellant has referred to these transcripts in its opening brief, appellant shall include copies of these transcripts in a supplemental appendix to the opening brief, if they are not already included in the appendix filed with the opening brief. | | 08-17698 |
07/15/2008 | Transcript | Filed Notice from Court Reporter. Peggy Isom stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: 07/30/07, 07/31/07, and 08/01/07. (Filed via fax). | | 08-18172 |
07/23/2008 | Transcript | Filed Notice from Court Reporter. Peggy Isom stating that the requested transcripts were delivered. Dates of transcripts: 7/30/08, 7/31/08, 8/1/08. (Original) | | 08-19007 |
08/06/2008 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. | | 08-20367 |
08/11/2008 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Clerk's Order Granting Motion. Respondent: 7 days to file answering brief. | | 08-20636 |
08/18/2008 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief. Supplemental. | | |
08/18/2008 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to Provide Proof of Service. Supplemental Appenidix to Appellant's Opening Brief. Due date: 10 days. | | 08-21307 |
08/20/2008 | Brief | Filed Answering Brief. | | 08-21506 |
08/20/2008 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Answering Brief. Vols 1-2. | | |
08/25/2008 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Proof of Service. Supplemental Appendix to Appellant's Opening Brief. | | 08-21847 |
09/24/2008 | Brief | Filed Reply Brief. | | 08-24667 |
11/03/2008 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order/Submit on Briefs. Oral argument will not be scheduled in this appeal, and it shall stand submitted on the record and the briefs filed herein, as of the date of this order. | | 08-28000 |
11/03/2008 | Case Status Update | Submitted for Decision. | | |
09/28/2009 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." SNP09-RP/MD/KP. | | 09-23578 |
10/23/2009 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. | | 09-24869 |
10/23/2009 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. | | |
11/04/2009 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on October 27, 2009. | | 09-24869 |