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United States Court Cases

Texas Supreme Court Record


Case: C-8810
Petition for Writ of Mandamus
Appellate Briefs
Date Event Type Description Remarks Document
06/03/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
06/02/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
06/01/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
05/31/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
07/11/1989Reply to Petition for Writ of MandamusRespondentON BEHALF OF NANCY SCHARLACK
Case Events
Date Event Type Disposition Remarks Document
06/03/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
06/02/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
06/01/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
05/31/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
10/05/1989Case StoredNO REHEARING FILED
10/05/1989list missing briefs when case is separated(remarksSUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF MISSING; ONLY ORIGINAL AVAILABLE WHEN SEPARATED
09/13/1989M/L/F Petition for Writ of Mandamus disposedOverruledAS SUPP.W/NOTATION: SEE RULE 121(A) (1), T.R.A.P.
08/02/1989Supplement to Motion filedSUPP TO M/F/L TO FILE PET FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS
07/11/1989No description available.
07/11/1989Reply to Petition for Writ of MandamusON BEHALF OF NANCY SCHARLACK
06/27/1989Exhibits receivedATTACHED TO M/L/F
06/27/1989Motion/leave to file petition for writ of mandamus
06/27/1989Petition for writ receivedATTACHED TO M/L/F
Set DateCalendar TypeReason SetRemarks
10/05/1989Case StoredCase stored.
AEROLEO TAXI AEREO LTDARelatorMr. R. David Broiles
CARVALHO, TANIA SANTOS DIASRespondentMr. Michael D. Sydow
MUSSLEWHITE, BENTONIntervenorMr. C. Benton Musslewhite
PIREO, HELENA DA SILVARespondentMr. Michael D. Sydow
TEXTRON, INC.RelatorMr. R. David Broiles
MACIEL, ADICEUMAR RANGELRespondentMr. Michael D. Sydow
MIYAKE, GRACIELA INESRespondentMr. Michael D. Sydow
DASILVA, ANA MARIA PEIXOTORespondentMr. Michael D. Sydow
COELHO, VAIOLA COSTA VIEIRARespondentMr. Michael D. Sydow
NEWTON LINSRelatorMr. R. David Broiles
SAMPIO, MARIA NAZARETH M.RespondentMr. Michael D. Sydow
SCHARLACK, NANCY VIVIANRespondentMr. Michael D. Sydow
DELIMA, MIRIAM FREITAS ALVESRespondentMr. Michael D. Sydow
Court of Appeals Information:
Trial Court Information
96th District Court