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United States Court Cases

Nevada Supreme/Appellate Court Record


Case Information: 55897
Consolidated:55897*, 57122 , 57927 Related Case(s): 57122 , 57927 , 67261
Lower Court Case(s):Clark Co. - Eighth Judicial District - A498865 Classification:Civil Appeal - General - Other
Disqualifications:Case Status:Remittitur Issued/Case Closed
Replacement:Panel Assigned: En Banc
To SP/Judge:04/28/2010 / Shirinian, AraSP Status:Completed
Oral Argument:12/03/2012 at 2:00 PMOral Argument Location:Regional Justice Center
Submission Date:12/03/2012How Submitted:After Oral Argument

+ Party Information

Docket Entries
04/26/2010Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal/Settlement. Notice Re Settlement Conference Program and Suspension of Rules mailed to all counsel. (The requesting of transcripts and briefing are stayed pursuant to NRAP 16(a)(1). Docketing Statement Form mailed to counsel for appellant(s).) 10-10742
04/26/2010Filing Fee Filing Fee due. Filing fee will be fowarded by the District Court.
04/27/2010Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice to Transmit Required Document. Due Date: 10 days (Order Denying Motion - 3/29/10 & NOE - 3/30/10) 10-10817
04/28/2010Settlement NoticeIssued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: Ara H. Shirinian 10-10877
04/29/2010Filing FeeReceived Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $250.00 from Springel and Fink. Check No. 3734.
05/07/2010Order/IncomingFiled District Court Order. Certified copy of order filed in district court on March 29, 2010. Order Denying Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law. 10-11907
05/07/2010Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Notice of Entry of Judgment or Order. 10-11909
05/10/2010Notice of Appeal DocumentsFiled Certified Copy of Notice of Cross-Appeal. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for cross-appellant.) 10-12114
05/10/2010Filing Fee Filing Fee due. Filing fee will be fowarded by the District Court (Cross-appeal).
05/12/2010Filing FeeReceived Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $250.00 from Lewis & Roca. Check No. 609154.
05/17/2010Docketing StatementFiled Docketing Statement. Appellant/Cross-Respondent 10-12780
05/17/2010Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice to Provide Proof of Service. Docketing Statement (Appellant/Cross-Respondent). Due date: 10 days. 10-12785
05/17/2010Notice/IncomingFiled Proof of Service. - Docketing Statement. Appellant/Cross-Respondent. 10-12814
06/01/2010Docketing StatementFiled Docketing Statement. Respondent/Cross-Appellant. 10-14119
06/04/2010Settlement Program ReportFiled ECAR/Appropriate for Settlement Program. This case is appropriate for mediation and a settlement conference is scheduled for 9/8/10 10-14429
09/13/2010Settlement Program ReportFiled Interim Settlement Program Report. The settlement conference is continued to the following date: 11/3/10. 10-23478
11/03/2010Settlement NoticeFiled Notice: Final Settlement Report. Issued Notice to Settlement Judge Ara H. Shirinian to file Final Status Report. 10-28841
11/12/2010Settlement Program ReportFiled Interim Settlement Program Report. The settlement conference is continued to the following date: 11/30/10. Settlement judge requests 90-day extension of time to file final status report. All parties in accord. 10-29654
11/16/2010Settlement Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Extension of Time for Status Report. The time for filing a Final Settlement Conference Status Report is extended to 2/14/11. 10-29878
01/14/2011Settlement Program ReportFiled 55897 and 57122. Filed Final Report/No Settlement. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. 11-01472
01/28/2011Settlement Order/ProceduralFiled Order: No Settlement/Briefing Reinstated For Appeal and Cross-Appeal. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement. Appellant(s) and Respondent(s): 15 days transcript request; Appellant(s): 90 days opening brief and appendix. Respondent(s): 30 days from opening brief to file combined answering brief on appeal and opening brief on cross-appeal. Appellant(s): 30 days from that combined brief to file combined reply brief on appeal and answering brief on cross-appeal. Respondent(s): 14 days from that combined brief to file reply brief on cross-appeal. 11-02769
02/15/2011Transcript RequestFiled Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 08/11/09, 08/25/09, 08/26/09, 08/27/09, 08/28/09, 08/31/09, 09/01/09, 09/02/09, 09/03/09, 09/04/09, 04/29/10, 03/02/10, 06/18/10, and 08/17/10. To Court Reporter: Norma Ramirez. 11-04971
02/17/2011Transcript RequestFiled Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 06/18/2010 and 08/17/2010. To Court Reporter: Norma Ramirez. (Respondent/Cross-Appellant). 11-05116
03/28/2011MotionFiled Stipulation to Consolidate Appeals. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-09388
04/28/2011MotionFiled Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Opening Brief. 11-12499
04/28/2011Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice Motion/Stipulation Approved. Opening brief and appendix due May 31, 2011. 11-12501
04/28/2011Notice/IncomingFiled Notice of Change of Address. Springel & Fink, LLP. 11-12509
05/27/2011MotionFiled Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Opening Brief (Second Request). 11-15758
06/10/2011Order/ProceduralFiled Order Consolidating Appeals and Granting Motion. Appellant/Cross-Respondent's Opening Brief and Appendix due: June 30, 2011. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-17412
06/29/2011MotionFiled Motion and Order/Excess Pages. Granted: 38 pages. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-19368
06/29/2011BriefFiled Opening Brief (Appellant/Cross-Respondent). Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-19369
06/29/2011AppendixFiled Appendix to Opening Brief CD-ROM included. Vols. 1 through 15. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-19371
07/28/2011MotionFiled Stipulation for Extension to File Answering and Cross-Opening Brief. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-22770
07/28/2011Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice Stipulation Approved. Answering and Cross-Opening Brief due by August 29, 2011. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-22772
08/29/2011MotionFiled Unopposed Motion for Extension to File Answering Brief on Appeal and Opening Brief on Cross-Appeal. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-26270
08/29/2011MotionFiled Motion by The Nevada Justice Association for Leave to File Brief as Amicus Curiae in Support of Position of Respondent/Cross-Appellant. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-26281
09/27/2011Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motions and Regarding Briefing. Canyon Villas: Combined Answering and Opening brief due: October 3, 2011. The clerk of this court shall file the amicus brief, provisionally received in this court on August 29, 2011. Robert Dillon Framing: 30 days from service of Canyon Villa's combined brief to file and serve a combined reply brief on appeal and answering brief on cross-appeal. Canyon Villas: 14 days from service of Robert Dillon Framing's brief to file and serve any reply on cross-appeal. Nos. 55897/57122/57927 11-29472
09/27/2011BriefFiled Amicus Curiae Brief of The Nevada Justice Association. Nos. 55897/57122/57927 11-29474
10/03/2011MotionFiled Motion for Extension to File Answering Brief on Appeal and Opening Brief on Cross-Appeal. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-30112
10/14/2011MotionFiled Motion to Exceed Page Limit on Answering Brief on Appeal and Opening Brief on Cross-Appeal. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-31633
10/14/2011AppendixFiled Respondent's Supplemental Appendix Vol 1. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-31635
10/14/2011AppendixFiled Respondent's Supplemental Appendix Vol 2. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-31638
10/14/2011AppendixFiled Respondent's Supplemental Appendix Vol 3. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-31639
10/14/2011AppendixFiled Respondent's Supplemental Appendix Vol 4. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-31640
10/14/2011AppendixFiled Respondent's Supplemental Appendix Vol 5. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-31641
10/20/2011Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motions for Extension of Time and Leave to File Brief with Excess Pages. The clerk of this court is directed to file the combined answering brief and opening brief received in this court on October 14, 2011. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-32483
10/20/2011BriefFiled Canyon Villas Answering Brief on Appeal and Opening Brief on Cross-Appeal. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-32490
11/14/2011MotionFiled Motion for Extension of Time for Reply Brief on Appeal and Answering Brief on Cross-Appeal (first motion). Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-35061
11/14/2011Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice Motion Approved. Reply Brief on Appeal and Answering Brief on Cross-Appeal due December 14, 2011. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-35065
12/14/2011MotionFiled Motion for Extension of Time for Reply Brief on Appeal and Answering Brief on Cross-Appeal (Second Motion). Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 11-38383
01/10/2012Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time. Robert Dillon Framing: Combined Reply Brief on appeal and Answering Brief on cross-appeal due: January 13, 2012. Nos. 55897/57122/57927 12-00922
01/13/2012BriefFiled Appellant's Reply Brief and Answering Brief on Cross-Appeal. Nos. 55897/57122/57297. 12-01374
01/27/2012MotionFiled Stipulation for Extension to File Reply Brief on Cross-Appeal. 12-03030
02/02/2012Order/ProceduralFiled Order Approving Stipulation for Extension of Time. Canyon Villas: Reply Brief due: February 27, 2012. Nos. 55897/57122/57927 12-03609
02/28/2012MotionFiled Motion for Extension to File Reply Brief on Cross-Appeal. 12-06279
03/01/2012Order/ProceduralFiled Order Granting Motion. Reply brief due: March 5, 2012. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 12-06607
03/06/2012BriefFiled Canyon Villas's Reply Brief on Cross-Appeal. 12-07069
03/06/2012Case Status UpdateBriefing Completed/To Screening.
07/30/2012Order/ProceduralFiled Order Directing Clerk to Schedule Oral Argument. The clerk of this court is directed to schedule this matter for oral argument before the en banc court on the next available calendar. Nos. 55897/57122/57927 12-23952
08/06/2012Notice/IncomingFiled Notice of Change of Address for Berding/Weil LLP. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 12-24724
10/30/2012Notice/OutgoingIssued Notice Scheduling Oral Argument. Oral Argument is scheduled for Monday, December 3, 2012, @ 10:30 a.m. in Las Vegas. Argument shall be limited to 30 minutes. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 12-34125
11/01/2012Order/ProceduralFiled Order. This case is currently scheduled for oral argument on December 3, 2012, at 10:30 a.m. Counsel should be prepared to address specific issues. Nos. 55897/57122/57927 12-34581
11/08/2012Order/Clerk'sFiled Order Changing Start Time for Oral Argument. The start time is hereby changed, and oral argument before the court will be held on December 3, 2012, at the hour of 2:00 p.m. at the Nevada Supreme Court in Las Vegas. Nos. 55897/57122/57927 12-35404
11/16/2012BriefFiled Appellant's Supplemental Authorities. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 12-36537
11/19/2012Notice/OutgoingIssued Oral Argument Reminder Notice. Nos. 55897/57122/57927. 12-36576
12/03/2012Case Status UpdateOral argument held this day. Case submitted for decision. Before the En Banc Court. C/W 57122/57927
04/17/2013Order/DispositionalFiled Order Affirming in Part, Reversing in Part and Remanding. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED IN PART AND REVERSED IN PART AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent with this order as to attorney and associated paralegal fees." EN BANC Nos. 55897/57122/57927 13-11390
05/13/2013RemittiturIssued Remittitur. 13-13987
05/13/2013Case Status UpdateRemittitur Issued/Case Closed.
05/24/2013RemittiturFiled Remittitur. Received by District Court Clerk on May 21, 2013. 13-13987