Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
02/02/1999 | Filing Fee | Received Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $200.00 from Ken R. Ashworth & Associates--check no. 2199. | | |
02/02/1999 | Petition/Writ | Filed Petition for Writ of Mandamus or Prohibition. Writ of Prohibition , or Alternatively for Mandamus, Pursuant to NRS secs. 34.320, 34.330, and 34.160; Affidavit of Bradley J. Hofland. | | 99-00698 |
02/02/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion for Stay. Emergency Application for a Stay of an Order of the District Court Pending the Supreme Court's Review of Petitioners' Petition for a Writ of Prohibition, Alternatively Mandamus Pursuant to NRAP Rule 8(a); NRS secs. 34.320, 34.330, and 34.160. | | 99-00705 |
02/02/1999 | Appendix | Filed Appendix. Appendix to Writ of Prohibition, or Alternatively for Mandamus, Pursuant toNRS secs. 34.320, 34.330, and 34.160 and Emergency Application for a Stay of an Order of the District Court Pending the Supreme Court's Review of Petitioners' Petition for a Writ of Prohibition, Alternatively Mandamus Pursuant to NRAP Rule 8(a); NRS secs. 34.320, 34.330, and 34.160. | | 99-00706 |
02/02/1999 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Proof of Service. Certificate of Service. | | 99-00708 |
02/04/1999 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order/Answer Writ Petition. Answer due: 20 days from the date of this order. We hereby temporarily stay the district court's order pending receipt and consideration of a response to petitioners' motion for a stay and pending further order of this court. | | 99-00777 |
02/12/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion. Law Offices of Bradley J. Hofland does hereby agree to be substituted in the place of Ken R. Ashworth & Associates at atttorney for Petitioners. | | 99-01000 |
02/18/1999 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Proof of Service. Proof of Service by Mail (for Substitution of Attorneys). | | 99-01099 |
02/18/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion. Motion Seeking Leave to Supplement Index. | | 99-01100 |
02/26/1999 | Petition/Writ | Filed Answer to Petition for Writ. Answering Brief of Real Parties in Interest James and Carol Belmont to Petition for Writ of Prohibition, or Alternatively for Mandamus Pursuant to NRS 34.320. | | 99-01312 |
02/26/1999 | Appendix | Filed Appendix. Appendix to Answering Brief of Real Parties in Interest. | | 99-01313 |
03/04/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion. Motion for Permission for Filing Petitioners Vince Bartello, Certified Male of Las Vegas, Inc., Xcitement Xcetera, LLC; and Hillsboro Enterprises, Inc., Reply to Real Parties in Interest's Answering Brief, or, in the Alternative, Permission to Supplement Petitioners' Appendix. | | 99-01523 |
03/15/1999 | Motion | Filed Response to Motion. Opposition Brief of Real Parties in Interest James and Carol Belmont to Petitioners' Motion for Permission for Filing Reply Brief, and Request to Strike Petitioners' Motion /Reply Brief. | | 99-01844 |
03/26/1999 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order Denying Petition. Judgment: " . . . we deny the petition." fn1 Petitioners' motion seeking leave to supplement their appendix, and for permission to file a reply or an appendix are granted; we direct the clerk to file the supplement, the reply, and appendix. In light of this order, we vacate the temporary stay granted on February 4, 1999. NNP99A-CY/MS/ML | | 99-02196 |
03/26/1999 | Appendix | Filed Appendix. | | 99-01101 |
03/26/1999 | Motion | Filed Reply to Response. | | 99-01524 |
03/26/1999 | Appendix | Filed Appendix. | | 99-01526 |
03/29/1999 | Motion | Filed Motion. Motion of real Parties in Interest James and Carol Belmont to Lift the February 4, 1999 Stay of Further Proceedings, or in the Alternative, Motion to Stay the Matter Pending Further Order of this Court. | | 99-02297 |
04/01/1999 | Motion | Filed Response to Motion. Petitioners' Opposition Brief to Motion of Real Parties in Interest James and Carol Belmont to Lift the February 4, 1999 Stay of Further Proceedings, or in the Alternative, Motion to Stay the Matter Pending further Order of the Court and Affidavit of Bradley J. Hofland. | | 99-02436 |
04/01/1999 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee due. | | |
04/01/1999 | Post-Judgment Petition | Filed Petition for Rehearing. Petition for Rehearing Pursuant to NRAP Rule 40; Affidavits of Bradley J. Hofland and Vince Bartello. | | 99-02438 |
04/01/1999 | Appendix | Filed Appendix. Appendix to Petition for Rehearing pursuant to NRAP Rule 40; Petitioners' Opposition Brief to Motion of Real Parties in Interest James and Carol Belmont to Lift the February 4, 1999 Stay of Further Proceedings, or in the Alternative, Motion to Stay the Matter Pending further Order of the Court. | | 99-02440 |
04/02/1999 | Filing Fee | Received Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $100 from Bradley J. Hofland--check no. 0298. | | |
04/14/1999 | Other | Returned Unfiled Document. Returned, UNFILED, with letter, Answering Brief of Real Parties in Interest James and Carol Belmont to Petition for Rehearing Pursuant to NRAP 40 and Request for Appellate Sanctions | | |
05/04/1999 | Post-Judgment Order | Filed Order/Rehearing Denied. On March 26, 1999, we denied the petition, and lifted a stay that this court had entered on February 4, 1999. On March 29, 1999, real parties in interest, apparently unaware of this court's order of March 26, 1999, filed a motion to lift the stay entered on February 4, 1999. We deny real parties in interest's motion as moot, in light of this court's order of March 26, 1999 . We also " . . . deny the petition for rehearing." NNP99A-CY/MS/ML | | 99-03535 |
05/20/1999 | Remittitur | Issued Notice in Lieu of Remittitur. | | 99-04148 |
05/20/1999 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. | | |