Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
03/07/2000 | Filing Fee | Received Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $200.00 from Wilson & Barrows--check No. 1760. | | |
03/07/2000 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. | | 00-03557 |
03/17/2000 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: George V. Allison. (Briefing and preparation of transcripts and docketing statement suspended pending further order of this court.) | | |
04/17/2000 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order/Consolidation. We hereby consolidate the above-entitled matters for all appellate purposes. On March 17, 2000, a notice of assignment to the settlement conference program was issued in Docket No. 35745, and the matter was assigned to Settlement Judge George V. Allison. In light of this order consolidating these matters, Docket No. 35703 is hereby assigned to Settlement Judge Allison, and a joint settlement conference shall be conducted in these consolidated matters. We defer ruling on the writ petition in Docket No. 35703, pending completion of the settlement conference proceedings. Nos. 35703, 35745. | | 00-06111 |
04/21/2000 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: George V. Allison. (Briefing and preparation of transcripts and docketing statement suspended pending further order of this court.) nos. 35703/35745. | | |
06/19/2000 | Settlement Program Report | Filed Interim Settlement Program Report. The parties have agreed to a tenative settlement of this matter (nos. 35703/35745). | | |
06/19/2000 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to File Docketing Statement. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) NOTICE ISSUED IN ERROR - DOCKETING STATEMENT IS NOT REQUIRED. | | |
06/19/2000 | Settlement Program Report | Filed Interim Settlement Program Report. The parties have agreed to a tenative settlement of this matter (nos. 35703/35745). | | 00-10490 |
09/08/2000 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to File Docketing Statement. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) Due Date: 15 days | | |
09/08/2000 | Settlement Program Report | Filed Interim Settlement Program Report. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. (Nos. 35703 and 35745). | | 00-15889 |
09/21/2000 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement. (Filed in 35745 only. Nos. 35703 & 35745). | | 00-16706 |
09/26/2000 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order/Briefing Schedule. Order Denying Petition for Writ of Mandamus (Docket No. 35703) and Reinstating Briefing (Docket no. 35745). " . . . we deny the petition docketed as No. 35703." In the appeal docketed as No. 35745, appellant shall have 15 days from the date of this order to file with this court a transcript request form or a certificate of no transcript request and 120 days to file and serve the opening brief and appendix. Thereafter, briefing shall proceed in accordance with NRAP 31(a)(1). Nos. 35703, 35745. (Docket Nos. 35703 and 365745 are no longer consolidated.) | | 00-16941 |
10/11/2000 | Transcript Request | Filed Certificate of No Transcript Request. | | 00-17969 |
11/15/2000 | Brief | Filed Opening Brief. Mailed on: 11/13/00. | | 00-20057 |
11/15/2000 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief. | | 00-20058 |
12/11/2000 | Motion | Filed Stipulation. Stipulation to Strike Portions of Appellant's Appendix and Appellant's Opening Brief. | | 00-21659 |
12/15/2000 | Brief | Filed Answering Brief. Mailed on: Hand delivered 12/15/00 (Reno/Carson). | | 00-21987 |
12/15/2000 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Answering Brief. | | 00-21988 |
12/21/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion. Motion for Order Taking Judicial Notice. | | 00-22246 |
12/26/2000 | Letter/Incoming | Filed Letter. from Wilson and Barrows, Ltd., enclosing Exhibit 4 to Motion for Order Taking Judicial Notice. | | 00-22433 |
12/29/2000 | Motion | Filed Response to Motion. Respondents' Opposition to Motion for Taking Judicial Notice. | | 00-22735 |
01/08/2001 | Brief | Filed Reply Brief. Mailed on: 01/04/01. | | 01-00347 |
01/08/2001 | Other | Returned Unfiled Document. Returned, with letter (pursuant to NRAP 27(a)), | | |
01/31/2001 | Letter/Incoming | Filed Letter. from Attorney Stewart R. Wilson. "In response to your letter dated January 8, 2001, Mr. Marfisi has elected not to request the filing of a reply brief in the above-entitled matter. You may therefore submit his Motion for Order Taking Judiccial Notice to the Court." | | 01-02106 |
03/27/2001 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order/Submit on Briefs. Cause appearing, oral argument will not be scheduled and this appeal shall stand submitted for decision to the Northern Nevada Panel as of the date of this order on the briefs filed herein. | | 01-05375 |
03/27/2001 | Case Status Update | Submitted for Decision. NNP01A-MS/DA/RR | | |
06/28/2001 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. On December 11, 2000, the parties filed a stipulation to strike portions of the appellant's opening brief and appendix. On December 21, 2000, appellant filed a motion to take judicial notice of the case of Tinnin, et al. v. Western States Liquified Petroleum Gas Co., Case No. 29595, from the Fourth Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada. On December 29, 2000, respondents filed an opposition. We grant appellant's motion to take judicial notice of the Tinnen case and we disapprove the parties' stipulation to strike portions of the opening brief and appendix that refer to that case. | | 01-10981 |
09/07/2001 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." NNP01A-MS/DA/RR | | 01-15150 |
10/03/2001 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. | | 01-15357 |
10/03/2001 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. | | |
10/19/2001 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on October 9, 2001. | | 01-15357 |