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United States Court Cases

Texas Supreme Court Record


Case: 94-0269
application for writ of error granted by Court
Appellate Briefs
Date Event Type Description Remarks Document
09/09/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
09/08/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
09/07/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
04/18/1995Reply to Response to Motion for Rehearing filedPetitioner's motion for rehearing of cause filed
04/12/1995Motion for RehearingRespondent's Motion for Rehearing of Cause filed
03/17/1994Application for Writ of Error - FiledPetitioner
03/17/1994Reply to ResponseRespondent
Case Events
Date Event Type Disposition Remarks Document
09/09/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
09/08/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
09/07/2019Case File from MicroficheThese electronic documents are derived from scans of microfiche duplicates of the original paper case file. Refer to file-stamped dates on the documents for the actual file dates. These copies may not contain the entire original case file. Contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to review the original case file.
06/27/1995Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the mandate date of a processCONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive mandate date.
06/27/1995Mandate issued
05/11/1995Motion for Rehearing - DisposedOverruled896 SW2d 167
04/18/1995Reply to Response to Motion for Rehearing filed
04/12/1995Motion for Rehearing
04/12/1995Motion for Rehearing forwardedRecord remains in Clerk's Office
03/30/1995Court approved judgment sent to attorneys of record
03/30/1995Opinion issuedCourt of Appeals' judgment reversed & judgment renderedthe judgment of the ct. of appeals is reversed & judgment is rendered. Opinion by J. Enoch. 896 SW2d 167
03/21/1995Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the submission date of a processCONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive submission info.
03/21/1995Created for Data Conversion -- an event inserted to correspond to the submitted date of a processCONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive submitted date.
03/21/1995Oral argument argued for petitioner by Eric W. Schulze for respondent by Dianne E. Doggett
03/02/1995Application for Writ of Error - DisposedFiling grantedCONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive disposition info.
03/02/1995Application for Writ of Error - DisposedFiling grantedCONVERSION EVENT: auto-inserted to match archive begin date.
03/02/1995Amount of time allotted for oral argument.20/20 minutes to argue
03/02/1995Application for Writ of Error - DisposedFiling grantedGranted on points 1, 2 & 3
03/02/1995Set for Submissionto be argued 21 March 1995, at 9:00 a.m.
03/02/1995Writ of error issued to Court of Appeals.
03/24/1994Case forwarded to Court
03/17/1994Application for Writ of Error - Filed
03/17/1994Reply to Response
Set DateCalendar TypeReason SetRemarks
06/27/1995Case StoredCase stored.Mo/Re Overruled
MENO, LIONEL R.Other interested party Mr. Christopher Maska
THE STATE OF TEXASOther interested party Mr. Dan Morales
ENGLISH, GEORGERespondentMs. Dianne E. Doggett
CENTRAL EDUCATION AGENCYOther interested party Mr. Christopher Maska
Court of Appeals Information:
Reversed & Remanded
866 SW2d 73, 11-24-93
3rd Court of Appeals
Trial Court Information
126th District Court