Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
03/27/2000 | Filing Fee | Received Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $200.00 from William E. Freedman, Chtd.--check no. T6466. | | |
03/27/2000 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. | | 00-04819 |
03/31/2000 | Settlement Notice | Issued Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program. Settlement Judge: Lansford W. Levitt. (Briefing and preparation of transcripts and docketing statement suspended pending further order of this court.) | | |
04/03/2000 | Transcript Request | Filed Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 11/3/98, 12/13/99, 2/29/00. To Court Reporter: Deborah Casper. | | 00-05312 |
05/03/2000 | Transcript | Filed Transcript. Proceedings: 11/3/98, 12/13/99, 2/29/00. Court Reporter: Deborah Casper. | | 00-07217 |
06/06/2000 | Settlement Program Report | Filed Interim Settlement Program Report. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. | | 00-09459 |
06/06/2000 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to File Docketing Statement. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for appellant.) Due Date: 15 days | | |
06/20/2000 | Settlement Order/Procedural | Filed Order: No Settlement/Briefing Reinstated. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this appeal. The court shall conduct a preliminary jurisdictional review of this appeal. Appellant: 70 days to file and serve opening brief and appendix. Briefing shall proceed in accordance with NRAP 31(a)(1). | | 00-10503 |
06/20/2000 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement. | | 00-10547 |
08/21/2000 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice. Receipt of Transcripts. | | 00-14632 |
08/29/2000 | Brief | Filed Opening Brief. Mailed on: Fed Ex 8/28/00. | | 00-15183 |
08/29/2000 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief. Vols. 1 through 5. | | 00-15185 |
09/22/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion. Motion for Clarification of Issues on Appeal and Extension of Time to File Answering Brief (also requesting consolidation of appeals) nos. 36220/35851. | | 00-16757 |
09/27/2000 | Motion | Filed Response to Motion. Opposition to Motion for Clarification of Issues on Appeal and Extension of Time to File Answering Brief. | | 00-17056 |
10/05/2000 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. On September 20, 2000, this court ordered the appeal in Docket Number 36220 stayed pursuant to the mandatory provisions of federal bankruptcy law. We note that Docket Number 35851 is a related appeal which arose out of the same district court action as Docket Number 36220. We also order the appeal in Docket Number 35851 stayed pursuant to the mandatory provisions of federal bankruptcy law. The briefing in Docket Number 35851 is suspended pending resolution of the bankruptcy proceedings or entry of an order of the bankruptcy court lifting the automatic stay. Appellant Janis Carmona shall have 60 days from the date of this order to file a report in Docket Numbers 35851 and 36220 informing this court of the status of the bankruptcy proceedings. fn1[We vacate that portion of our order entered on September 20, 2000, in Docket Number 36220 directing appellant, within twenty days, to file a status report in Docket Number 36220 only.] On September 22, 2000, respondent filed motions, in Docket Numbers 35851 and 36220, for clarification of issues on appeal and extension of time to file answering brief. Specifically, respondent requests this court to clarify the issues on appeal by consolidating the two cases. Appellant filed an opposition to these motions on September 27, 2000. Because both of these appeals have been stayed pursuant to the mandatory provisions of federal bankruptcy law, we defer ruling on these motions pending resolution of the bankruptcy proceedings or an order of the bankruptcy court lifting the automatic stay. Nos. 35851, 36220. | | 00-17697 |
12/06/2000 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice. Status Report. (Nos. 35851 and 36220 are not consolidated.) | | 00-21308 |
12/11/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion. Motion for Permission to Reply to Appellant's Status Report. | | 00-21642 |
12/26/2000 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice. Supplement to Status Report. Nos. 35851 and 36220 | | 00-22431 |
01/16/2001 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. Respondent shall have 15 days from the date of this order to file a reply to appellant's status report in Docket No. 35851 and Docket No. 36220. (Nos. 35851 and 36220 are not consolidated cases.) | | 01-00844 |
02/05/2001 | Motion | Filed Response to Motion. Filed Reply to Appellant's Status Report. Nos. 35851/36220 (not consolidated) | | 01-02282 |
06/28/2001 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. Order Lifting Bankruptcy Stay. Based on the documents filed with this court, we conclude that the automatic bankruptcy stay is no longer in effect and these appeals may proceed. As a settlement conference has not yet been held in Docket No. 362220, settlement judge Lansford W. Levitt shall schedule a settlement conference in Docket No. 36220 within 30 days of the date of this order. The briefing in Docket No. 35851 shall remain stayed pending the outcome of the settlement conference in Docket No. 36220. On September 22, 2000, respondent filed motions in these appeals for clarification of the issues on appeal. Appellant filed an opposition on September 27, 2000. We defer ruling on respondent's motion pending the outcome of the settlement conference in Docket No. 36220. Nos. 35851/36220 (not consolidated). | | 01-10949 |
12/21/2001 | Settlement Order/Procedural | Filed Order: No Settlement/Briefing Reinstated. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement in Docket No. 36220. Accordingly, these appeals shall proceed. Respondent's motion to consolidate is granted. The above-entitled appeals are consolidated for all appellate purposes. Appellant previously filed an opening brief in Docket No. 35851. Appellant: 70 days to file and serve an additional opening brief and appendix, addressing the issues raised in Docket No. 36220. Respondent shall have 30 days thereafter to file and serve a single answering brief, addressing the issues raised in both appeals. fn1[We deny as moot respondent's September 22, 2000 motion for an extension of time to file the answering brief.] Appellant shall have 30 days thereafter to file and serve a single reply brief. fn2[The transcripts requested by appellant were filed in this court on September 21, 2001. We deny as moot Court Reporter Deborah Casper's September 18, 2001 motion for an extension of time to prepare transcripts.] (01-21559) Nos. 35851/36220. | | 01-21559 |
03/01/2002 | Brief | Filed Opening Brief. Mailed on: Fed-Ex 2/28/02. Signed by William E. Freedman. Nos. 35851/36220-filed in case no. 36220. (02-03785) | | |
03/01/2002 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief. Volumes 1 through 6. Nos. 35851/36220-filed in case no. 36220. (02-03786) | | |
04/01/2002 | Motion | Filed Motion and Order Extending Time. Brief due: April 29, 2002. Nos. 35851/36220 | | 02-05768 |
05/01/2002 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. Nos. 35851/36220 | | 02-07688 |
05/03/2002 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. filed May 1, 2002. Respondent shall file and serve the answering brief by June 28, 2002. No further extensions of time shall be permitted absent demonstration of extreme and unforeseeable circumstances. Nos. 35851/36220. (02-07813) | | 02-07813 |
07/01/2002 | Motion | Filed Motion for Excess Pages. Nos. 35851/36220. | | 02-11285 |
07/03/2002 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Proof of Service. (Motion to File Answering Brief in Excess of 30 Pages). Nos. 35851/36220. | | 02-11387 |
07/19/2002 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. Nos. 35851/36220. | | 02-12438 |
08/02/2002 | Motion | Filed Motion to Strike. Motion to strike certain enumerated portions of respondent's Appendix. Nos. 35851/36220. (02-13272) | | 02-13272 |
08/12/2002 | Motion | Filed Response to Motion. Opposition to Appellant's Motion to Strike. Nos. 35851/36220. | | 02-13790 |
09/03/2002 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. We grant the unopposed motion filed July 1, 2002. The clerk of this court shall file the 85-page answering brief and respondent's appendix received on July 1, 2002. On August 2, 2002, appellant filed a motion to strike certain enumerated portions of respondent's appendix. On August 12, 2002, respondent filed an opposition to the motion to strike. We deny appellant's motion to strike. Although we decline to strike and portions of respondent's appendix at this time, we caution respondent that in reviewing these consolidated appeals this court will disregard all documents improperly included in the appendix. We granat appellant's July 19, 2002, motion for an extension of time to file a reply brief. Appellant shall have until September 30, 2002, to file and serve a reply brief. Nos.35851/36220. | | 02-15191 |
09/03/2002 | Brief | Filed Answering Brief. Mailed on: 6/28/02. Nos. 35851/36220-brief in No. 35851. | | 02-11286 |
09/03/2002 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Answering Brief. Volumes 1 and 2. Nos. 35851/36220-appendix in No. 35851. | | 02-11289 |
09/12/2002 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time. Nos. 35851/36220. (02-15894) | | 02-15894 |
09/12/2002 | Motion | Filed Motion for Permission to File Document. Motion for Permission to file a Reply to Respondent's Opposition to Appellant's Motion to Strike Pursuant to NRAP 27(a). Nos. 35851/36220. (02-15897) | | 02-15897 |
02/19/2003 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. We grant the motion filed on September 12, 2002. The clerk of this court shall file the reply brief received on November 26, 2002. Also on September 12, 2002, appellant filed a motion for leave to file a reply to respondent's opposition to appellant's motion to strike portions of respondent's appendix. That motion was resolved in this court's September 3, 2002, order. We deny the motion for leave to file a reply. The clerk of this court shall return, unfiled, the proposed reply received on September 12, 2002. Nos. 35851/36220. (03-02793) | | 03-02793 |
02/19/2003 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Letter. to attorney William E. Freedman. Returned unfiled, the original "Reply to Respondent's Opposition to Appellant's Motion to Strike Pursuant to NRAP 27 (a)" received September 12, 2002, Nos. 35851/36220. | | |
02/19/2003 | Brief | Filed Reply Brief. Mailed on: FedEx 11/25/02. Nos. 35851/36220. (02-20310) | | 02-20310 |
06/02/2003 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Scheduling Oral Argument. Oral Argument is scheduled for 30 minutes on July 1, 2003, at 11:30 a.m. (SNP03-MS/ML/NB) (Nos. 35851 and 36220) | | |
06/17/2003 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Oral Argument Reminder Notice. (Nos. 35851 and 36220) | | |
06/18/2003 | Brief | Filed Supplemental Authorities. Respondent's Supplemental Memorandum. Nos. 35851/36220. | | 03-10229 |
06/20/2003 | Brief | Filed Supplemental Authorities. Appellant's Supplemental Memorandum in Response to Respondent's Supplemental Memorandum. Nos. 35851/36220 | | 03-10337 |
07/01/2003 | Case Status Update | Submitted for Decision. Before the Southern Nevada Panel.SNP03-MS/ML/NB. Nos. 35851/36220. | | |
07/07/2003 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice. Appellant's Memorandum in Opposition to Respondent's Cases Submitted at Oral Argument. (Nos. 35851 and 36220. (03-11299) | | 03-11299 |
07/10/2003 | Other | Other. Filed Respondent's Supplemental Filing for the Record. Nos. 35851/36220 | | 03-11632 |
07/14/2003 | Motion | Filed Response to Motion. Appellant's Memorandum in Opposition to Respondent's Supplemental Filing for the Record. Nos. 35851/36220 | | 03-11814 |
07/31/2003 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. Re: Supplemental Authorities. During argument, the court granted respondent's request for permission to file supplemental authorities at a later date. Before respondent's supplemental authorities were filed, appellant filed a memorandum in response to the three cases cited by respondent during argument. On July 10, 2003, respondent filed supplemental authorities that included the 3 cases cited during argument and an additional case discovered after argument. On July 14, 2003, appellant filed another response to address the inclusion of the additional case in appellant's supplemental authorities. Cause appearing, we will consider appellant's supplemental authorities and respondent's memoranda in response in our deliberation of these consolidated appeals. Nos. 35851/36220. (0312892) | | 03-12892 |
10/21/2003 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order of Affirmance. These are two consolidated appeals from several district court orders in the same district court case. "We ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." SNP03-MS/ML/NB. Nos. 35851/36220. | | 03-17492 |
11/07/2003 | Filing Fee | Received Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $150 from William E. Freedman, Chtd.--check no. 7018. | | |
11/07/2003 | Post-Judgment Petition | Filed Petition for Rehearing. Nos. 35851/36220 | | 03-18645 |
11/21/2003 | Post-Judgment Order | Filed Order/Rehearing Denied. "Rehearing denied." NRAP 40(c). SNP03-MS/ML/NB. Nos 35851/36220. | | 03-19475 |
12/01/2003 | Post-Judgment Petition | Filed Petition for En Banc Reconsideration. Mailed on: November 29, 2003. Nos. 35851/36220. | | 03-19888 |
12/16/2003 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. | | 03-19663 |
12/16/2003 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. | | |
12/17/2003 | Post-Judgment Order | Filed Order Denying En Banc Reconsideration. Having considered the petition on file herein, we have concluded that en banc reconsideration is not warranted. NRAP 40A. Accordingly, we "ORDER the petition DENIED." EN BANC. Nos. 35851/36220. | | 03-21001 |
12/29/2003 | Motion | Filed Motion. Motion to Publish Order of Affirmance. Nos. 35851/36220. (03-21573) | | 03-21573 |
01/02/2004 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on December 18, 2003. | | 03-19663 |
03/01/2004 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Denying Motion. to Publish Order of Affirmance. This court previously issued an unpublished order resolving these appeals. Appellant Janis Carmona has filed a motion to publish that order as an opinion. The motion is unopposed. Having considered the motion, we conclude that publication of our prior order of affirmance is not warranted. Accordingly, we deny the motion to publish. Nos. 35851/36220. (04-03804) | | 04-03804 |
03/01/2004 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice from U.S. Supreme Court\Certiorari Denied. A petition for a writ of certiorari was filed February 18, 2004, and placed on the docket as Case No. 03-1186. Nos. 35851/36220 | | 04-03810 |
04/23/2004 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice from U.S. Supreme Court\Certiorari Granted. The petition for a writ of ceritorari is denied. Nos. 35851/36220 (No action required.) | | 04-07533 |