Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
04/11/2000 | Filing Fee | Received Filing Fee Paid on Filing. $200.00 from James Edward Kimsey (WestStar Credit Union--check no. 193443). | | |
04/11/2000 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. | | 00-05821 |
04/13/2000 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to Transmit Required Document. Order filed 4/3/00. Due Date: 10 days | | |
04/21/2000 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed District Court Order/Judgment. Certified copy of order appealed from filed in district court on April 3, 2000. | | 00-06466 |
05/22/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion. Appellants' NRAP 3(b) Motion to Consolidate Appeals; Appellants' NRAP 3(a) & 10(c) Motion for Clarification; Appellants' NRAP 25(1)(b) & (2)(d) Motion to Compel Respondent to Provide Address/Telephone Number for Service of Documents; Appellants' NRAP 26(b) Motion for Enlargement of Time (nos. 35931/35933). | | 00-08559 |
05/26/2000 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order/Transmit Record and Directing Response. Original record due: 30 days. fn1[The record shall not include any exhibits filed in the district court.] | | 00-08916 |
06/27/2000 | Record on Appeal Documents | Filed Record on Appeal. Volumes 1 through 4. Mailed on 06/23/00. | | 00-10964 |
06/27/2000 | Case Status Update | Submitted for Decision. | | |
08/11/2000 | Motion | Filed Motion. Appellants' NRAP 3(b) Second Motion to Consolidate Appeals; Appellants' NRAP 3(a) & 10(c) Second Motion for Clarification; Appellants' NRAP 25(1)(b) & (2)(d) Second Motion to Compel Respondent to Provide Address/Telephone Number for Service of Documents; Appellants' Motion to Resubmit Matter to Settlement Program and to Grant Appellant's Motion for Extension of Time; Appellant's Motion to Supplement Record on Appeal (nos. 35931/35933). | | 00-14096 |
08/11/2000 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Appearance. Substitution of Attorney. Lillian J. Sondgeroth in place and stead of Thomas J. Fitzpatrick for appellants. (Nos. 35931/35933) | | 00-14098 |
10/19/2000 | Letter/Incoming | Filed Letter. from John Muije. He does not represent Melodi Leavitt and would like to be removed as counsel. | | 00-18575 |
11/07/2000 | Letter/Incoming | Received Letter. David Robinson regarding Motion for Extension of Time to file Response to Order to Show Cause. (Nos. 35931 and 35933). | | |
01/24/2001 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. On May 22, 2000 appellant filed a proper person motion requesting, in part, an order disqualifying attorney John W. Muije from representing respondent in this appeal. Although appellant has not been granted permission to file document in proper person, we have reviewed and considered the portion of appellant's motion requesting an order disqualifying attorney Muije. We deny the remainder of appellant's May 22, 2000 motion, without prejudice to appellant's right to file, through retained counsel, any motion deemed necessary. On August 11,2000, attorney Lillian J. Sondgeroth filed a substitution of attorneys, purporting to substitute herself as counsel for appellant, in place of attorney Thomas J. Fitzpatrick. We elect to treat Sondgeroth's substitution of attorneys as a notice of appearance as counsel for appellant. We grant appellant's motion to disqualify attorney Muije, and we disapprove attorney Sondgeroth's notice of appearance. We conclude that attorneys Sondgeroth and Muije are both disqualified from participating as counsel in this appeal. On August 11, 2000, attorney Sondgeroth filed a motion in this court on behalf of appellant. We deny the August 11, 2000 motion in its entirety, without prejudice to appellant's right to file, through new counsel, any motion deemed necessary. Attorneys Sondgeroth and Muije shall each have 10 days from the date of this order to serve a copy of this order on appellant and respondent, respectively, and to file poof of such service with this court. Appellant and respondent shall each hav 60 days from the date of this order to obtain new counsel to represent them and cause new counsel to file a notice of appearance with this court. If appellant fails to obtain new counsel, this appeal shall stand submitted for decision on the record in accordance with our June 27, 2000 order. | | 01-01575 |
02/01/2001 | Letter/Incoming | Filed Letter. (service of 1/24/01 order on Melodi Leavitt). | | 01-02174 |
06/22/2001 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. To date, Ms. Sondgeroth has failed to comply with our order filed on January 24, 2001. Ms. Sondgeroth shall have 10 days from the date of this order to serve a copy of this order on appellant and to file proof of such service with this court. Failure to comply with this order may result in the imposition of sanctions. Appellant shall have 30 days from the date of this order to obtain new counsel and cause new counsel to file a notice of appearance with this court. If appellant fails to obtain new counsel, this appeal shall stand submitted for decision on the record, without briefing or oral argument. | | 01-10580 |
07/11/2001 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Proof of Service. of the 06/22/01 order on appellant Kimsey. | | 01-11691 |
08/17/2001 | Case Status Update | Submitted for Decision. Per 6/22/01 order. | | |
03/05/2002 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Letter. to attorney Lillian J. Sondgeroth. Returned unfiled, the original "Appellants' Consolidated Case Appeal, Docketing and Settlement Statements" submitted on August 10, 2000, and received in this court on August 11, 2000. | | 02-03955 |
05/08/2002 | Other | Disqualification of Justice Leavitt. | | |
05/14/2002 | Order/Dispositional | Filed Order of Affirmance. "ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED." SNP02-CY/MS/ML. | | 02-08483 |
06/11/2002 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. Record on Appeal, Vols. 1 through 4 returned this day. | | 02-08546 |
06/11/2002 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. | | |
07/22/2002 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by County Clerk on July 17, 2002. | | 02-08546 |