Events |
Event Date | Status | Description | Result |
11/20/2008 | | PETITION FOR REVIEW | |
11/20/2008 | | FILING FEE of $100.00. | |
11/21/2008 | | CERTIFIED COPY OF PETITION TO BOARD and Todd Kim, Esq. | |
12/01/2008 | | OREDERED that petitioner shall within 20 days from the date of this order SHOW CAUSE why this PFR should not be dismissed for having been taken from a non-final order. See 11 DCMR 3100.2, 3112.2 (2003). (BY: ETW) | |
12/01/2008 | | TMC - OTSC - ROTSC - reply | |
12/10/2008 | | RECORD ON APPEAL | |
12/10/2008 | | RECORD COMPLETED | |
12/19/2008 | | RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE - of 12/1/08 | |
01/08/2009 | | ORDERED that the OTSC IS HEREBY VACATED. It is *****MORE******** | |
01/08/2009 | | F/ORDERED that petitioner's brief and the appendix shall be filed within 40 days from the date of this order, and respondent's brief shall be filed within 30 days thereafter. See D.C. App. R. 30, 31. (KRBEST) | |
02/11/2009 | | PETITIONER'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF until April 6, 2009 (no oppo) | |
02/18/2009 | | On consideration of petitioner's motion for an extension of time within which to file the brief, to which no opposition has been filed, it is ORDERED that the motion is granted and petitioner's brief and the appendix shall be filed on or before April 6, 2009. (GP) | |
04/03/2009 | | APPEARANCE- George R. Keys, Jr on behalf of petitioner | |
04/06/2009 | | PETITIONER'S BRIEF | |
04/06/2009 | | APPENDIX - petitioner | |
05/08/2009 | | RESPONDENT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF no oppo 45 days | |
05/15/2009 | | On consideration of respondent's motion for an extension of time within which to file the brief, to which no opposition has been filed, it is ORDERED that respondent's motion is granted and the brief of respondent shall be filed on or before June 25, 2009. (GP) | |
06/24/2009 | | TMC - motion for summary affirmance - petitioner's brief/appendix | |
06/29/2009 | | RECEIVED- amended certificate of service for D.C. Board of Zoning adjustments motion for summary affirmance | |
07/27/2009 | | ORDERED that RESPONDENT'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY AFFIRMANCE IS DENIED. It does not appear that the law or the facts are sufficiently clear-cut to warrant summary disposition. Oliver T. Carr Mgm't, Inc. v. Nat'l Deli., Inc., 397 A.2d 914, 915 (D.C. 1979). It is *****MORE***** | |
07/27/2009 | | FURTHER ORDERED that RESPONDENT WILL FILE ITS BRIEF on the merits w/n 30 days from the date of this order and petitioner his reply, if any, w/n 21 more days. See D.C. App. R. 31. (KROBNW) | |
08/24/2009 | | RESPONDENT'S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF 30 days no oppo | |
08/27/2009 | | On consideration of respondent's motion for an extension of time within which to file the brief, to which no opposition has been filed, it is ORDERED that respondent's motion is granted and the brief of respondent shall be filed on or before September 25, 2009. (GP) | |
10/19/2009 | | ORDER GRANTING RESPONDENT MOTION TO REMAND to the extent that the case is hereby remanded to the District of Columbia Board of Zoning Adjustment for actions consistent with respondent's motion. It is F/O that the Clerk shall issue the mandate forthwith. (ETW) | |
10/19/2009 | | REMANDED | |
10/20/2009 | | MANDATE ISSUED | |
05/05/2014 | Lodged | Archived | |